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Quicksilver Mercury Tri-Test

In our ever-evolving world, modern conveniences sometimes come with hidden costs. One of these hidden dangers is mercury exposure.

There are many mercury exposure sources, including dental fillings, certain seafood, or industrial pollutants; mercury has woven its way into our daily lives.

Recognizing this growing concern, the Quicksilver Mercury Tri-Test emerges as the best testing option, offering precise insights into one’s mercury burden.

But what sets this comprehensive mercury test apart? Let’s delve deeper!

Key Take Aways

  1. Comprehensive Mercury Analysis: The Mercury Tri-Test provides a thorough analysis of mercury levels in the body by testing blood, urine, and hair samples. This comprehensive approach differentiates between organic mercury (from fish and seafood) and inorganic mercury (from dental amalgams and environmental exposure), providing a complete picture of an individual’s mercury exposure and body burden.
  2. Personalized Health Insights: By analyzing different forms of mercury in various bodily tissues, the test can give insights into how effectively an individual’s body can eliminate mercury. This information can be crucial in developing personalized detoxification and treatment plans, especially for individuals with impaired detoxification abilities.
  3. Guidance for Safe Fish Consumption: The test helps determine the type and amount of fish that is safe to consume based on an individual’s ability to detoxify mercury. This is particularly important for populations at higher risk of mercury exposure, such as pregnant women, children, and people with certain health conditions.

Why Quicksilver Mercury Tri-Test Matters

Mercury is not just another element on the periodic table; it’s a neurotoxin that, in certain forms, can have harmful effects on our health.

Differentiating the form of mercury one is exposed to is crucial because it directly impacts the kind of treatment required.

Delving into the Quicksilver Mercury Tri-Test

Unlike many conventional tests that give a total mercury level, the Mercury Tri-Test stands out by distinguishing between methylmercury and inorganic mercury.

  • Methylmercury: This neurotoxin primarily comes from consuming fish.
  • Inorganic Mercury: This form is often associated with dental amalgams and occupational exposure, a more toxic element.

Being armed with the specifics about one’s exposure type is a game-changer, enabling healthcare practitioners to create tailored detoxification plans for their patients.

The test is thorough, analyzing mercury levels in blood, urine, and hair. By harnessing insights from these three samples, the Quicksilver Mercury Tri-Test ensures a comprehensive understanding of one’s mercury exposure and their body’s detoxification efficiency.

The Quicksilver Scientific test identifies the source of mercury exposure, your total body burden, plus your mercury excretion capabilities.

Symptoms of Mercury Toxicity: Why should I do this test?

Recognizing mercury toxicity can be challenging because its symptoms often mimic those of other medical conditions.

However, being aware of these symptoms is the first step towards taking proactive measures. Here are some of the common signs that may indicate mercury poisoning:

  • Neurological Symptoms: These are among the most common and can include:
    • Tremors or shaking
    • Numbness or tingling in the hands, feet, or around the mouth
    • Weakness or muscle atrophy
    • Memory problems and difficulty concentrating
    • Mood swings, anxiety, and depression
  • Digestive Complications: Mercury can upset the stomach and the digestive tract’s overall function. Symptoms can include:
    • Nausea or vomiting
    • Diarrhea or constipation
    • Abdominal cramping
  • Sensory Impairments: Chronic exposure can affect one’s senses, leading to:
    • Vision changes or double vision
    • Hearing impairment or ringing in the ears
    • A metallic taste in the mouth
  • Cardiovascular Issues: The heart and blood vessels can also be affected, with symptoms such as:
    • Elevated blood pressure
    • Irregular heartbeat or palpitations
  • Immune System Suppression: Prolonged exposure can weaken the immune system, making one more susceptible to infections and illnesses.
  • Respiratory Problems: Those exposed to mercury vapors, in particular, may experience:
    • Coughing
    • Breathlessness or shortness of breath
    • Chest pain or tightness
  • Skin Manifestations: In some cases, the skin may show signs of mercury toxicity, including:
    • Redness, inflammation, or rashes
    • Skin peeling, particularly around the hands, feet, and mouth

If you identify with multiple symptoms from the list above, consider the possibility of long-term mercury exposure.

The Quicksilver Mercury Tri-Test is specifically designed to assess your total body burden of mercury, providing clarity on whether mercury could be the culprit behind your health concerns.

Quicksilver Scientific’s Commitment to Health

Behind this groundbreaking test is Quicksilver Scientific, pioneers in advanced heavy metal testing. Their unique approach to mercury analysis is rooted in cutting-edge technology that scrutinizes methylmercury and inorganic mercury levels separately.

Furthermore, for those who wish to gain broader insights into their metal exposure and nutrient levels, Quicksilver Scientific offers the Blood Metals Panel.

The blood metals testing analyzes nutrient and toxic metals in whole blood samples and complements the Mercury Tri-Test. Together, they paint a complete picture of an individual’s metal exposure and overall health status.

The Blood Metals Panel Includes

The Blood Metals testing analyzes a broad range of elements in whole blood to detect elevated exposure to toxic metals or imbalances of nutrient elements.

16 Elements Tested

The nutrient elements tested are calcium, copper, lithium, magnesium, manganese, molybdenum, selenium, and zinc.

The following metals have the potential to be toxic: antimony, arsenic, cadmium, cobalt, lead, mercury, silver, and strontium.

The blood metal panel can be purchased as an add-on to the Mercury Tri-Test.

What is included in the Quicksilver Mercury Tri-Test test kits?

All test kits will include the following items:

The specimen needed will be listed on the patient request form for each test.

  • Requisition Form: This is the form that will link your test to you and your practitioner
  • Collection: There will be sample test tubes for blood testing, urine collection cup, hair collection bag, everything that you need including absorbent cloths,
  • Collection instructions
  • Biohazard bag
  • Return shipping label and bag for U.S. orders

Quicksilver Mercury Tri-Test collection Instructions

Preparation & Timing

  • Schedule a blood draw with a phlebotomist, this can be done at any pathology lab
  • Blood and urine samples must be collected within 48 hours of each other, collect urine sample before blood sample
  • Avoid chelating agents (e.g., EDTA, ALA, Glutathione) 7 days before collection.
  • Avoid seafood and fish products 3 days prior. Fish oils are acceptable.
  • Fasting isn’t required before the blood draw.
  • Do not collect urine during menstruation.
  • Don’t send hair that has been permed. Dyed hair is okay.

Urine Collection

  1. Use the first morning urine for a mid-stream sample.
  2. Transfer urine to the test tube until between lines 9 and 11. Don’t overfill.
  3. Seal the test tube tightly.
  4. Label urine collection tube with name, date of birth, and collection date.
  5. Wrap the tube in the provided cloth and place it in the biohazard bag, then in the test kit box.

Hair Collection

  1. Label the collection bag with your name, date of birth, and collection date.
  2. Select a 1/2-inch wide hair strand (100-200 strands) from the base of the back of the head.
  3. If scalp hair is insufficient or permed, use pubic or body hair.
  4. Cut hair near the scalp. Trim to a 1-inch length (and 1/2-inch width). If hair is short, double the width.
  5. Place the hair in the collection bag, seal it, and put it back in the test kit box. Label hair collection with your details

Blood Collection

  • Schedule blood draw from Monday to Wednesday.
  • Fill out the test requisition form.
  • Take the test kit, urine sample, hair sample, and completed form to the blood draw.
  • The phlebotomist will handle blood collection, preparation, and you will ship the samples back to the lab in the provided kit
  • Only one blood tube is needed for the test. 

Can I perform the Mercury Tri-Test at home?

A trained phlebotomist is essential to ensure proper sample collection, you can organize a phlebotomist to go to your home or get the blood draw done at a local lab.

The urine samples and hair sample can easily be collected at home.

How do I get my blood drawn?

Check with your doctor’s office or local hospital to see if they will draw your blood. We do not contract directly with phlebotomy services and have no affiliation.

There are many local blood draw centres, and for many you will be able to make a blood draw appointment to save waiting. The blood draw fee is your responsibility. Please take the entire test kit with you to the phlebotomist.

The Holistic Approach: Why Quicksilver Mercury Tri-Test Is Crucial

While the Mercury Tri-Test zeroes in on mercury exposure, the Blood Metals testing broadens the lens.

By identifying imbalances in essential nutrient elements and highlighting elevated exposure to toxic metals, it adds depth to our understanding of our bodies.

Minerals play vital roles in our health, from supporting our immune systems to energy production. Thus, knowing where we stand can guide us toward better well-being.

Final Thoughts – Quicksilver Mercury Tri-Test

Mercury exposure is a silent threat, but thanks to tools like the Quicksilver Scientific Mercury Tri-Test and Blood Metals Panel, we are not defenceless.

These tests offer insights that can guide personalized health interventions, empowering us to take proactive steps toward better health.

If you suspect you’ve had exposure to methylmercury from eating a lot of larger fish, or exposure to inorganic mercury from dental amalgams or industry this is the test for you.

Frequently Asked Questions

The Quicksilver Mercury Tri-Test stands out among other testing methods as it differentiates between methyl mercury (MeHg) and inorganic mercury (HgII), and measures each form independently.

Some other testing methods, like Challenge Testing, only report the total mercury level (HgT) without providing this differentiation. Hair testing also does not give the full picture when testing mercury.

Yes, the Quicksilver Mercury Tri-Test can detect and measure mercury levels in both urine and blood samples.

This is due to the test’s advanced speciation analysis, which separates and identifies the specific forms of mercury present in these samples.

This method means the the mercury challenge testing is not necessary.

The Quicksilver Scientific Mercury Tri-Test is highly accurate, as it utilizes patented advanced technology for mercury speciation analysis.

The test is performed in Quicksilver Scientific’s CLIA-certified laboratory, ensuring high-quality results and adherence to standard testing protocols.

This makes the TriTest one of the most reliable metal testing availability.

Yes the Quicksilver Mercury Tri-Test assesses methylmercury which is from large fish. Knowing this information can help with successful detoxification strategies, as the process of mercury detoxification will be different compared to the more toxic form of amalgam based mercury.

Blood and urine samples must be taken within 48 hours of each other, otherwise the excretion ratios will be affected. It may be best to contact your local lab and make a blood draw appointment.

If samples are not collected properly, we cannot accept the samples and you will need to obtain another blood and urine collection.

We will hold the hair sample for one month.

Yes, the hair collection can be from any part of the body. You will need a clump of hair about 3/4 inch by 3/4 inch, this is more than just a few strands of hair.

See the complete instructions with a picture in our Combo Test Kit. These instructions are sent to you with your test kit.

Quicksilver’s mercury speciation technology can differentiate methyl and inorganic mercury in the part per trillion range.

The test is also designed to see how well the body is excreting mercury from the body, and can detect ambient mercury levels without chelation.

There are no chelation/provocation reference ranges. The use of provocation agents artificially inflates the levels in the blood and urine which disrupts the biological information of how the body is dealing with its mercury load under normal day-to-day conditions.

The lab works diligently to process and analyze each test in a timely fashion. In most cases, it takes roughly three weeks from receipt of the sample to completion.

Other Tests To Consider

Vibrant Wellness Environmental Toxins

This is just one toxin in the environment, this test gives you an analysis of a wide range of environmental pollutants.

Vibrant Wellness Mycotoxins

 Mold toxicity is another source of chronic illness. Vibrant Mycotoxins test is a urine-based assay for 31 of the most common mycotoxins.