Tips on How To Test and Balance Secretory IgA Levels
This articles focuses on the importance of Secretory IgA for optimal health, also known as SIgA.
Our body, specifically our digestive system aims to absorb good things such as nutrients from the foods we eat.
Another key part of the digestive system is to prevent toxins, undigested food substances, and pathogens from getting into the bloodstream from the GI tract.
One of the key roles in the protection of our health is Secretory IgA.
Our SIgA levels can tell us a lot on the health issues our body is dealing with. This article is about what low and high SIgA levels mean and what measures to take to balance them and restore your gut health.
Table Of Contents
What is Secretory IgA?
Secretory IgA (SIgA) is a type of antibody that protects your body’s mucosal surfaces from disease-causing pathogens and their virulence factors.
The potential entries for “bad guys” like various pathogenic microorganisms and mucosal antigens are:
In other words, SIgA antibodies are the first-line defense of your vulnerable mucosal surfaces, including intestinal, respiratory, and urogenital mucosal epithelia.
When the danger of foreign substances occurs, our body releases SIgA, which traps pathogenic invaders in the mucosal surfaces and prevents them from spreading.
The Key Functions of SIgA
- Supporting balance in the microbiome
- Maintenance of intestinal homeostasis
- Exclusion of pathogens(undigested food proteins, bacteria, viruses, fungi, toxins, and parasites)
- Regulation of inflammatory processes
What Causes Low SIgA Levels?
Many people with IgA deficiency are asymptomatic. However, as a rule, low SIgA levels are associated with the drained out immune system, adrenal dysfunction, and exhaustion.
The underlying cause of reduced SIgA levels can be absolutely anything. Here are just a few examples when your SIgA levels are out of balance:
- Infections of the respiratory tract (tonsillitis, pharyngitis, laryngitis, sinusitis, otitis, certain types of influenza, etc)
- Chronic gut infections (Candida, Blastocystis Hominis, H.pylori, C.Diff)
- Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD)
- Autoimmune manifestations
- Food sensitivities (loss of oral tolerance)
- Atopic diseases (eczema, allergic rhinitis, or allergic asthma)
- Prolonged exposure to toxins
- Chronic stress, insomnia and increased Cortisol levels
- Certain medications (antidepressants, anti-inflammatories, hydrocortisone and steroid medicines)
The most common situation when your SIgA levels get reduced is when you suffer from IBD or other chronic digestive system problems. Usually, Ulcerative colitis and Crohn’s patients have low SIgA levels.
Nevertheless, to confirm the diagnosis, the best way is with an advanced stool test like the Vibrant Wellness Gut Zoomer OR G.I Map test. These tests measure not only biomarkers like SIgA or Calprotectin but detect a large number of pathogens, beneficial bacteria and other intestinal health markers.
Also Read: Calprotectin Fecal Test: Everything You Need To Know
What Causes High SIgA Levels?
Elevated SIgA levels are associated with an immune response to infection and inflammation. Increased SIgA concentration can be a sign of infection of the digestive system, in which case the GUT Zoomer OR G.I Map stool test is recommended.
The Gut Zoomer tests for a lot more beneficial bacteria and intestinal health markers and in recent times this has been my preferred test.
High SIgA levels can also indicate chronic viral infections:
- Epstein-Barr virus (EBV)
- Cytomegalo virus (CMV)
- Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)
The advanced stool testing and blood testing should be done in this situation to assess for potential viral triggers.
- SIgA testing can tell how strong or weak your gut-lining is. It will show your ability to fight infections, allergies, and food sensitivities.
- However, just assessing your SIgA levels won’t reveal the real cause of your health issue. It will only give you clues for further investigation. It is important to consult a functional medicine doctor and to do an advanced stool and blood tests, in order to find out the real causes behind reduced SIgA levels.
How to Boost Secretory IgA Levels?
The three main things that lead to optimal SIgA levels are the right diet, supplements and stress management.
Anti-Inflammatory Diet
The crucial step to balancing your SIgA levels is an anti-inflammatory diet.
Add to your diet:
- Fatty fish such as salmon, tuna, and sardines (they are all rich in omega-3 fatty acids)
- Unsaturated fats like olive oil and avocados
- Leafy greens like spinach, kale, broccoli, and cabbage.
- Mushrooms rich in Beta-Glucans (reishi, shiitake, and maitake)
- Spices like Cayenne pepper (don’t abuse this spice and use it with caution)
Eliminate from your diet:
- Fried foods
- Processed foods
- Sugary snacks
- Soda
Suffering from a digestive or hormonal disorder? Schedule a consultation now and get the best advice based on my 20+ years of experience as a Naturopath.
Vitamins, Probiotics, and Supplements To Increase Your SIgA
Not everything and in the needed amount you can get from foods. The quality supplements prescribed by a functional doctor will help you fight your disease and balance Secretory IgA levels.
This is the list of the supplements that can normalize your Secretory IgA:
Note: Avoid probiotics, prebiotics, and foods containing histamines, if you have SIBO or a sensitivity to the nightshades. Instead, follow a low FODMAP diet.
Stress Management
Cortisol is the main stress hormone that can decrease SIgA levels. Learn new techniques and create stress reduction habits. This will help you improve your Secretory IgA levels and overall health.
The best methods to deal with stress are:
- Aerobic exercises and yoga
- Breathing techniques and meditation
- Face-to-face conversations with your friends or psychologist
How to Naturally Lower SIgA?
Elevated SIgA levels mean that your immune system is fighting against Inflammation, certain irritant or infection. For this reason, it is also recommended to follow the anti-inflammatory diet that includes the following supplements:
To reduce inflammatory damage to tissues and fight the free radical attack, you need:
- Antioxidants
- Minerals (Zinc and Selenium)
In case you have SIBO, it is important to stick to low histamine and low FODMAP diet or AI Paleo diet.
In addition, you can try 4R Gut Restoration Program, which means Remove, Replace, Repair, and Reinoculate. It effectively helps heal your gut and digestion.
Read also: The 4 R’s of Gut Healing
Testing SIgA Levels
Blood test, won’t work in this case. It is important not to confuse SIgA and IgA. SIgA is independent of blood IgA levels and, just because one seems to be good, it doesn’t mean the other is good as well. Therefore, blood testing is not a reliable way to asses SIgA levels.
Usually, SIgA is tested in saliva and the stool. However, the saliva test is also not the best indicator of SIgA levels, as it cannot tell us what’s going on deep inside the digestive system.
I recommend G.I Map stool test or Gut Zoomer test to asses your SIgA levels and shed the light on what’s happening inside your digestive system.
Bottomline To Improve Secretory IgA
- SIgA is the primary defense mechanism activated by B cells in response to the presence of pathogens and allergens.
- Abnormal SIgA is an indicator of an immune system issue, enteric infection, bacterial imbalance, and chronic stress
- The advanced stool test is one of the most accurate tests available nowadays to measure SIgA as well as the other biomarkers and pathogenic organisms.
- Correcting SIgA levels can take, around 6-12 months depending on the case. It requires constant monitoring of your health levels and following a well-balanced diet.