Pathology Test Order Information

Information About Your Pathology Test Order

Click to play Video For Pathology Test Instructions

Now that you have placed your order here is a list of the next steps as well as links to pathology test instructions, and frequently asked questions.

Instructions For Your Pathology Test


You should have received an email confirmation once you have placed your order, if not check junk mail (we will need to be in your safe senders list to send you updates and the results).


Once you have placed your order you will receive the requisition form from DHA Lab after 2-3 days, if you don’t see the form check junk mail as sometimes it can end up there. 

Or if you have ordered a test from Vibrant Wellness you will receive an email from them and updates on the shipping of your test kit.


Once you receive your requisition form read the instructions carefully, and if you have any questions after reading the instructions email


Most pathology tests are best done fasted, but make sure you are well hydrated so drink water before your test.


Don’t do any high intensity exercise for 24 hours before testing or long endurance events.


When the results are ready we will email you a pdf copy, and if you chose the consultation option you will be sent a link to schedule your consultation.

Pathology Testing Frequently Asked Questions

Continue any prescription medications unless the prescribing doctor told you to stop.

With supplements most you can continue with but if you are testing B vitamins, Vitamin D or other vitamins / minerals I recommend stopping for 3-5 days before testing.

You can exercise the day before a test but take it easy, and don’t do high intensity session – I would avoid exercise on the morning of a test.

Alcohol can dehydrate you which will affect the results of the test – I would recommend avoiding alcohol in the 24 hours before testing.

Not all tests have to be done fasted, but I recommend fasting so you are always testing under the same conditions – and most tests should be done fasted.

I would try and avoid this but if you simply can’t get out of the house without having coffee just have a weaker black coffee with no sugar.

Results take about 7 days, this can sometimes be a day or two longer depending on how busy the lab is and also public holidays will affect this.

I usually recommend day 21 of the cycle for women if they are wanting to test the luteal phase of the cycle.

Also day 5 of the cycle is a good time to test if you are assessing baseline levels of hormones.

Do you want to order another pathology test for a family member – Click Here