Congratulations on taking the next step to optimising your health!
This is an advanced pathology test that is going to give us a lot more information about your health compared to the standard pathology tests.
Once you have done your blood test it will take about 10 days for the results to be ready and then we can schedule a time to review your results and help with an action plan to improve your health.
Preparing For Your Blood Test
The Day Before Your Test
The Day Of The Blood Test
You will receive the test kit in the mail and this will also include detailed instructions.
Genetic Testing – if you have ordered the genetic test allow a few weeks for your test kit to be shipped to you, this requires a saliva sample and your kit is shipped back to SelfDecode for analysis. Once we have the results you will be sent the genetic reports and we will schedule a time to review your results.
If you have any questions contact michael –