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Here at Planet Naturopath, we specialize in consulting with people who have digestion and hormone imbalances, and the many conditions that are associated with with this. If you are wanting to optimize your health and performance our detailed testing will help you to address the underlying cause and take out the “guess work”

Schedule Your Appointment

To schedule your appointment use the online calendar below, all appointments are via our easy to use medical teleconferencing service. If you prefer a phone consultation that is also an option.

The calendar will schedule the appointment in your time zone so it does not matter where you are in the world.

Hi, my name is Michael Smith, ND BHSC and Head Practitioner at Planet Naturopath.

If you are someone who wants to take their health and fitness to the next level through diet, nutrition, detailed pathology and hormone testing, and looking to optimize your genetics, then I can help you.

With each consultation you will be given a written summary and action plan to get you started on the right track to good health.

I work with clients in North America, Europe, Asia and Australia.

Some reviews from my patients

These are our most popular tests at Planet Naturopath

We also offer

Plus we also offer comprehensive test packages which includes a number of tests to give you a full picture of how your body is functioning.