5 Tips For Longevity
It would be great to not only live longer but also live a longer vibrant life, this is an article on “tips for longevity” that I wrote for the great health guide magazine, the magazine is available online and from the Apple app store or the Google Play store, and for a limited time, you can get a free copy.
While getting older is just a part of life, wouldn’t it be great if we could live longer and still be active both physically and mentally! While there are some unusual ways to live longer like following very low-calorie diets, which have been shown to extend life, but they don’t necessarily increase health, vitality and one of the most important things fun.
Here are my top tips to increase your longevity and vitality
1/ Reduce Obesity
This is number one because being overweight increases your risk for developing many of the chronic diseases that affect longevity and quality of life as we age, conditions like diabetes, cardiovascular disease and dementia are all affected by the inflammation that obesity causes.
Increased abdominal fat indicates that you are insulin resistant which means that you need to reduce your carbohydrates from food and drinks to lose weight, this does not mean a low-calorie diet as increasing the good quality fats will help with weight loss and ensure you’re getting enough nutrition.
Action steps to take
2/ Stay Hydrated
This seems almost too simple to include in an article on longevity, but it’s an area where many people fall short and it can have such a profound effect on so many areas of your health.
With so many choices of drinks these days it is easy to forget about good quality water, and I am not talking about buying water in plastic drinking bottles as these are not great for your health or the health of the environment.
Action steps to take
3/ Get Good Quality Sleep
People are sleeping on average one hour less each night than before, and with the rise of electronic devices like computers and iPads affecting the quality of our sleep it is no surprise that the number one complaint in my clinic is fatigue.
Sleep is not just about energy though and poor sleep affects your hormones, increases inflammation which is the driver behind chronic diseases, quality of your skin and hair so that you age less gracefully, memory and mood and increases your risk of accidents.
Action steps to take
4/ Exercise and activity
Exercise helps to increase longevity in many ways, and when I talk about exercise it does not mean running marathons or anything extreme, as this can actually increase inflammation and reduce longevity.
Exercise should mean more than just going for a walk if you’re going to increase longevity and quality of life you need to do some strength training as this will help to prevent osteoporosis, reduce arthritis and maintain strength to be able to do everything you want to do.
Action steps to take4/ Exercise and activity
Exercise helps to increase longevity in many ways, and when I talk about exercise it does not mean running marathons or anything extreme, as this can actually increase inflammation and reduce longevity.
Exercise should mean more than just going for a walk if you’re going to increase longevity and quality of life you need to do some strength training as this will help to prevent osteoporosis, reduce arthritis and maintain strength to be able to do everything you want to do.
Action steps to take
Incorporate stretching and mobility into your day with yoga, pilates, and simple stretches
5/ Relax and have fun
Stress is one of the biggest causes of many health problems, both physical and mental and in today’s fast-paced world many people don’t take time to slow time and live in the moment.
One of the best cures for stress is laughter and friendship, you don’t need to have lots of friends but a few close friends is important …. the next best thing would be to have a pet to keep you company.
Action steps to take
Look after your health and wellbeing in these 5 small ways and you will find that you will increase your chances of living to a ripe old age, and be able to enjoy every moment.